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library acquisitions造句

  • That represents about 8 percent of its library acquisitions budget.
  • Mrs . Keller, the library acquisitions agent, said of her children.
  • Evening classes were offered, the first exhibition of paintings was held and library acquisition funds became available.
  • Our expenses include investments in costly features like high-tech teaching facilities, library acquisitions and software subscriptions.
  • Since 2007, benefactors who provide endowments for library acquisitions are referred to as members of the Jewel Society.
  • In 1971 the library celebrated the acquisition of their millionth volume with a conference on library acquisition and a luncheon for donors.
  • In 2003, the movie library was sold to Film Library Acquisition Corporation ( FLAC ), now renamed Echo Bridge Home Entertainment.
  • The Paternos contributed $ 420, 000 in past years toward construction of a library, a library acquisitions fund and the endowment of scholarships for minority students.
  • Staff salaries were reduced rapidly in cost-of-living terms, and funding for facilities, library acquisitions, and other necessary resources was abruptly curtailed.
  • Furthermore, Library Director Rich Wandschneider runs a library blog, which includes book reviews, notes on library acquisitions, and Wandschneider's own observations and musings.
  • It's difficult to see library acquisitions in a sentence. 用library acquisitions造句挺难的
  • University officials said the additional state aid _ the first such increase in nine years _ will mainly cover rising operating costs, including salaries, library acquisitions and equipment.
  • Ms . Nichols was prepared with a substantial amount of library acquisition money and private donations, an amount she declines to disclose, though she said the collection is still accepting donations.
  • He wrote several articles and books on library acquisitions in the 1990s, conducted research in library cataloging since 2004, and has worked towards the internationalization of Chinese library cataloging since 2005.
  • According to " Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ", it " deals with ethical issues in all of the information sciences, from library acquisitions to database management, with a multidisciplinary approach ."
  • "He epitomized the cowboy image and romanticized cowboy song, just as much as Gene Autry, " said Bob Pinson, a researcher and library acquisitions chief for the Country Music Foundation in Nashville.
  • The library acquisitions budget has been cut by 64 percent; book purchases have fallen from 25, 426 last year to about 10, 000, and subscriptions to 927 academic journals have been canceled for a savings of $ 3 million.
  • She was the author of four books on library science, including " Library Acquisition Policies and Procedures " ( Oryx Press; 3rd edition, 1994 ), and " The Library Forms Illustrated Handbook " ( Neal-Schuman, 1984 ).
  • An endowment fund started by the New York State Beekeepers Association, supplemented with proceeds from the Dyce Honey Patent an innovation in the production of creamed honey patented by Elton J . Dyce, also of Cornell made possible the purchase of new library acquisitions over the years.
  • Music library acquisitions, simply put, are typically achieved three ways : ( i ) through a buying program from publishers, ( ii ) through archiving of original works of the host institution, and ( iii ) through donations or purchases of non-published, non-duplicated materials.
  • Kestenbaum added, " There are more Hebrew incunabula in this collection than there are in the Library of Congress, Harvard or the Vatican . " Asked if such institutions were likely to bid at the auction, he was pessimistic . " Since 1996, prices have gone up 50 percent for the best manuscripts, " he said . " Library acquisition budgets really don't stretch high enough anymore.
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